Clark and Hogg Family History

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Lyon Family of Inverurie

index page

David Clark
David Clark (1831-1914)
Son of Catherine Lyon
Many of the Lyon family went from Inverurie to Ottawa, Ontario and other parts of Canada in the early 1800s.
James Lyon (1738- ?)
Baillie George Lyon (1766-1837)
Capt. George Lyon (1790-1851)
Catherine Lyon (1806-1836)
Robinson Lyon (1810-1885)
Robert Lyon (1812-1833)
Charles H Lyon
Last fatal duel in Canada - 1833
QuickLink - Lyon family tree data
William Robinson Clark
William Robinson Clark (1829-1912)
Son of Catherine Lyon

Capt. George Lyon "At the close of the war of 1812-1814 according to his granddaughter, Catherine Lyon, he (Capt. George Lyon) visited Scotland and made some purchases there among them a handsome grandfathers clock which she inherited and had when I visited her at Ithaca in 1935. He returned to Inverurie, Aberdeen and gave such a good account of Canada and its prospects that some of his brothers and sisters determined to emigrate."

Inverurie, Aberdeenshire
Information about Inverurie
Links to early Lyon and Bowes-Lyon in the peerage
Most information provided and based upon research by Jim McTavish, Barbara Gibson, Reg Lyon, George Mackenzie and Cynthia Milligan.
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Some other Lyon links (unrelated)
